Modern parking payment service has become available to all visitors of Nizhny Novgorod International Airport (belongs to Airports of Regions Group). Four automated terminals are installed and put into operation in the short- and long-term parking areas of the Airport.
The new equipment allows drivers not only to make payments by plastic cards of international payment systems Visa and MasterCard, but also to use new contactless MasterCard PayPass and Visa RayWave, which are already called "technologies of the future." Their feature is that the chips providing the possibility of contactless payment can be embedded not only in bank cards, but also in key holders, watches, mobile phones and other devices.
- Airports in Europe and the USA saw cashless payment for parking long ago, in Russia this practice is just being introduced. First of all, because not every airport as Strigino possesses a modern integrated automated parking system capable to accept such payments, - said Airports of Regions Management Company Director for Non-Aviation Activity Tatiana Bateneva. - Parking payment by bank cards in the Russian Federation is possible only at Moscow airports and Pulkovo but via Paypass and Paywave technologies designed for more advanced users - only in Moscow. This week the service will also be launched at another airport-member of Airports of Regions Group - Koltsovo (Ekaterinburg).
Contactless MasterCard PayPass and Visa RayWave are in demand in developed countries as a quick and convenient way of payment for services in everyday life and are getting more popular in Russia. Comfort of parking payment by a credit card and other devices with contactless technology is that payment in the amount of up to 1,000 rubles is made one-touch without entering a PIN – a card or device is simply applied to the reader. Safety and reliability of payments are ensured by Uniteller processing company and certified by PCI PA-DSS safety standard.
We recall that new civilized parking complex was opened at Nizhny Novgorod International Airport in November last year. Entry into the territory of the airport is now organized through a system of barriers. For the first six months 382,977 people used parking services (for comparison: passenger flow at Strigino over the same period totaled 547,936 people).