Fire Fighting and Search and Rescue Service of Strigino International Airport (belongs to Airports of Regions Groups) has successfully passed the certification of the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia). The document was issued as a result of a comprehensive assessment of the Fire Fighting and Search and Rescue Service according to five criteria: general fitness of the personnel, special training of personnel, knowledge of the theoretical issues of search and rescue operations, technical facilities, and professionalism of actions during training.
The Commission of Rosaviatsia commended fire trucks operated by Nizhny Novgorod Airport and acquired in 2013-14 within the framework of the investment to upgrade the motor fleet. Currently Search and Rescue Service of Strigino possesses new fire trucks fitted with the most modern equipment and capable to move at a speed up to 100 km/h. Buying of another airfield fire truck is planned for the first quarter of 2015.
As a result, the certification was passed without any remark. Thus, the Federal Air Transport Agency has confirmed that the Search and Rescue Division of Nizhny Novgorod International Airport meets all industrial regulations and is fully prepared, if necessary, to administer prompt qualified help. Next planned certification of Strigino is to be held in three years.