A webcast of the new passenger terminal construction is launched on the official website of Strigino Airport (belongs to Airports of Regions Group) www.airportnn.ru. Now website visitors can monitor the construction of the future terminal: machinery entering the construction site, foundation pit growing in size hour after hour, heavy bulldozers and tractors in operation. The webcast does not stop even at night (IR mode is activated).
A camera installed at a height of 25 meters transmits the image real time. Image quality is very high - Full HD, maximum resolution of 1920 x 1024 pixels (users may reduce image quality to medium or low according to their desire). The camera changes viewpoint automatically moving along a predetermined path and providing a complete overview of the construction site. Moreover, technical characteristics of the system allow simultaneous connection of up to 5000 users.
The Airport authorities expect that the new service will be of interest to the visitors of www.airportnn.ru. Let’s note that lately the popularity of the Internet resource has increased manifold: since 2011, when Strigino airport got a strategic investor - Management Company Airports of Regions– the website traffic has raised from 43,580 to 262,403 visits a month, the number of original visitors has gone up - from 6988 to 44,134 persons per month.
We recall that on June 10, 2014, the Acting Governor of Nizhny Novgorod Region Valery Shantsev launched the construction of a new passenger terminal at Nizhny Novgorod International Airport. The area of the new terminal complex is 27.8 thousand sq. m - almost 3.5 times greater than the existing terminal (8679 sq. m). The new terminal will ensure high airport capacity - more than 800 passengers per hour and more than 1.5 mln. people per year.