Disabled Facilities and Special Assistance
The Strigino Airport pays special attention to passengers experiencing difficulties when moving, providing the quickest and the most comfortable passing of required formalities (registration, customs and border check, assistance when receiving and clearing luggage), meeting clients upon arrival at the airport and accompanying until embarkation on board of the aircraft, and from the aircraft when arriving. The airport provide services free of charge.
When booking and making an air carriage agreement, passengers with reduced mobility need to inform the carrier or the carrier’s agent, and when making a tourist product sale agreement — the tour operator or the tour agent about their restrictions of vital activity and about size, weight and other characteristics of individual mobility means (including presence and performance characteristics of storage batteries) carried onboard the aircraft.
Please note that the airline makes a decision on acceptance of passengers with limited mobility for carriage on the basis of a medical conclusion and subject to a range of factors: health state of the passenger, limitations on the number of passengers of special categories in flight, and the opportunity to provide special equipment in flight.
Detailed information about rules of air carriage of physically disabled passengers can be received from an airline, the services of which you prefer using.
If you have not notified the airline about special needs and health restrictions when booking, then you can always inform the airport about them by phone +7 (343) 278-56-71 (24 hours per day) or by e-mail:
Please check whether you take all the documents required in the trip before departing to the airport.
Disabled individuals and persons from low-mobility population groups can take advantage of the airport parking facility in accordance with Russian laws.
Specially designated parking points for disabled individuals on the Koltsovo Airport land side are intended for motorized wheelchairs and cars with Disabled Individual identification sign.
Physically disabled drivers must post the Disabled Individual identification sign on their vehicles in front and from the rear of mechanical transportation means driven by Group I and II disabled individuals, carrying such disabled individuals or disabled children.
The following is needed to take advantage of free special parking slots on the Koltsovo Airport landside area:
- Receive an electronic parking ticket at the automatic counter when entering;
- Drive to a free parking slot identified by a special sign.
You can get help when leaving the transport and present a request for special service via the parking dispatcher, pressing the call button on the automatic counter.
The following is needed when entering the parking facility area in front of turnstiles:
- Ask the parking area employee;
- Hand over data of your disabled individual’s card.
If additional questions arise or clarifications are needed, you can call:
- For communication with the parking operator (24 hours)
+7 (343) 264-77-54
- For communication with airport information desk (24 hours)
+7 (343) 278-56-71
A button to call for a special group to support passenger escorting over the Airport Terminal area is located at the entry to Terminal A. You can also ask for help inside the terminal at the Information Desk located opposite to Terminal A entry or contact the dispatching point of help to physically disabled passengers using special phone sets located in the airport terminal.
The airport in case of necessity will provide the passenger with a motorized wheelchair to move along the landside, the terminal, and in the aircraft cabin.
An opportunity is provided for passengers requiring medical aid to check in for the flight via the medical station located on Floor 1 of the airport, and a special vehicle will then carry you to the aircraft. Support by a qualified medical worker is provided in case of necessity.
You can spend time when waiting for the departure in a specially fitted hall for servicing of physically disabled passengers (right wing of Terminal A, opposite to medical unit of the Airport). The area is equipped with telephone and staff calling button. The recreation area provides:
- Free Wi-Fi access;
- Comfortable TV watching zone;
- Update on flight departures.
Services are provided free of charge. Please contact the information desk or the agent when checking in to take advantage of hall services.
An airline determines the standard rate of free luggage carriage and its sizes on board of the aircraft. An airline sets forth restrictions when carrying individual transportation means on board of the aircraft as hand luggage or checked-in luggage.
When traveling on an electrically driven motorized wheelchair, you need to take into consideration the following IATA rules of hazardous goods transportation:
- An electrically driven motorized wheelchair is delivered to luggage; a storage battery is disconnected when checking in (passengers using the electrically driven motorized wheelchair shall bear a set of keys/accessories for disconnection of terminals of the motorized wheelchair storage battery and a package for storage battery in accordance with ICAO Technical Instructions on safe carriage of hazardous goods by air. Passengers disconnect and connect terminals of the electrically driven motorized wheelchair storage battery independently or by an airport employee when the service is requested);
- Liquid batteries are disconnected, packed and transferred to luggage.
When checking in for a flight departing to the Koltsovo Airport, please advise the airport about special services and help you will need when arriving. If you checked in for a flight in advance independently or using mobile registration, from an airline website or at a self-registration stand in the airport, please approach the check-in counter of the departure airport to make an entry about services you will need in the destination airport.
You will get help when arriving at the Koltsovo Airport for debarkation from the aircraft, luggage receipt and accompanying to motor transport if required. In accordance with regulatory documents of civil aviation, help to physically disabled passengers is provided for debarkation from the aircraft after completion of landing of all passengers.
- +7 (343) 278-56-71 (24 hours) — information about the procedure of services provision in the airport for passengers among disabled individuals and other persons with life activity restrictions, receiving requests for service;
+7 (343) 226-86-70 (24 hours) — information on matters of medical support and issue of relevant documents;
- +7 (343) 264-77-54 (24 hours) – parking.
- Order of the Russian Federation Ministry of Transport (Russian Ministry of Transport) dd. 15 February 2016 No. 24, Moscow, On Approval of Procedure of Services Provision to Passengers among Disabled Individuals and other Persons with Life Activity Restrictions in Airports and onboard of Aircraft.
- Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 1 December 2014 No. 419-FZ On amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation on matters of social security of disabled individuals in connection with ratification of Conventions on Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
- Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ On Social Security of Disabled Individuals in the Russian Federation (with amendments and supplements).
- Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities passed by UN General Assembly on 13 December 2006.
- Federal Aviation Regulations General Rules of Air Carriage of Passengers, Luggage and Goods and Requirements to Servicing of Passengers, Shippers and Consignees (approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Transport No. 82 of 28 June 2007).
- Russian Air Code (Sec. 106.1) and other regulatory legislative acts.